Handshake is an online platform where UC Davis students and alumni can connect with employers and access career-related resources. A Handshake account is automatically created for all students and you just need to log in to activate it. You can use Handshake to:

Updating your Profile

It is crucial to keep your personal and academic profile on Handshake up to date. The more details you provide about your academics and experience, the easier it is for Handshake to tailor jobs and internships for you. Employers can also contact you through Handshake, so having an updated profile allows them to see your accomplishments and skills that they may be looking for. In most cases, Handshake does not update your profile automatically. 

Once logged in, we recommend updating the following profile sections:

  • Basic profile 
  • Update your email address, physical address and profile photo. If you would like to associate your account with an alternative email address to your campus email address, follow these instructions to update your account. We recommend this for graduating seniors and alumni.
  • My Journey
  • Add a specific and succinct professional summary to your profile. Try to include: Your area of study/career interests, relevant experiences and skills and what you are looking for on Handshake (internships, mentorship, networking, on-campus jobs at UC Davis).
  • Education
  • Provide your UC Davis major, degree level, year in school, GPA, graduation date. You can include degrees obtained at a community college but high school education information should be omitted.
  • Work Experience
  • Include all experiences where you gained transferable skills and knowledge. This includes non-paid positions, internships, volunteering and leadership roles. Examples: faculty research, health-related experiences, leadership in clubs or local jobs. For each experience, write 2-6 accomplishment statements using the formula: strong action verb + context = results.
  • Organizations and Extracurriculars
  • Provide a brief description of the organization, its goals and your role. Mention any leadership positions you've held. Examples include UC Davis Greek organizations, sports clubs, interest-based clubs and volunteering. Include accomplishment statements to highlight your contributions.
  • Courses
  • Enter courses relevant to the jobs and/or careers you are pursuing. Include courses/labs taken at UC Davis and community college if applicable.
  • Projects
  • Include projects from courses, work, volunteering or organizations. Mention any conferences, publications or grants. Describe your role with accomplishment statements and link relevant materials.
  • Your Interests
  • This could include your hobbies, general career fields of interests and significant experiences.
  • Skills
  • Add your hard and soft skills, including those learned through training, coursework or personal development. Remove any auto-filled skills that don't apply and try to include skills that require training for you to learn (computer software, certifications, etc.) or ones you may have gained in your UC Davis coursework (data analysis, lab techniques).
  • Documents
  • Use the "Manage Documents" function to add documents to your profile (resumes, cover letters, etc.) and set which ones you would like to be visible to employers. 
  • Visibility
  • In some sections, you can customize what employers see. A crossed-out eye icon means information is hidden from employers. A lock icon indicates that information is locked by the school and can't be changed. To adjust visibility settings, go to your account icon > Settings & Privacy > Account Information.
  • Privacy Settings
  • Under Settings and Privacy, choose from three options: Community: Profile viewable by employers, students and alumni; Employers: Profile accessible to employers, students can't message you; and Private: Profile hidden from everyone, including employers.

Searching for Jobs/Internships on Handshake

Handshake is constantly updated with new positions. If you're looking for a position and don't find one, refine or broaden your search and try again tomorrow. If you need help developing your resume, cover letter or preparing for an interview, attend a workshop or meet with an advisor at the Career Center.

Since over 100 diverse internship, volunteer and career positions are posted on Handshake every day, use the filters to narrow your search. Don't miss opportunities to meet employers on campus.

To optimize your job search on Handshake, use specific keywords to yield better results:

  • Major: Enter your major and include additional relevant information to refine your search. This can help you find opportunities related to your field of study.
  • Position/Job Title: Use specific job titles to find positions that match your interests and qualifications.
  • Job ID: If you know the specific job number, enter it to directly access the job listing.
  • Company Name: Search by company name to explore available positions within that organization.
  • Job Type: Specify the type and duration of the job (internship, full-time, part-time, on-campus, etc.) to narrow down your options.

Experiment with different combinations of keywords to broaden your search. You can "Save your Search", allowing Handshake to notify you of relevant opportunities based on your searches and your interactions with employers, events or jobs.

Use synonyms or related keywords to expand your search results. For example, a statistics major might use terms like "data analyst," "mathematics," "accounting," etc. For more ideas, visit resources like "What Can I Do With My Major?"

For the best experience, use an internet browser (Firefox or Chrome recommended) on your laptop or desktop. Alternatively, you can download the Handshake mobile app from the Apple App Store or Google Play to stay updated with notifications.

Additional Resources

Report suspected scams to jobpostingissues@ucdavis.edu and see how to identify a fraudulent job posting