Accomplishment Statements

Accomplishment statements describe your past and current achievements in bullet points on a resume. These statements provide proof of your relevant skills and highlight your accomplishments in a clear and concise way.

Formula for writing accomplishment statements:

Action Verb + Context = Results

  • Action Verb: Planned, initiated, coordinated, etc. For ideas, review job descriptions or see our list of suggested action verbs.
  • Context: Interesting details such as timeframe; number of people; size of budget; size of caseload; type of issues or population; research topics, etc.
  • Results: The positive outcome or intended outcome of your efforts. Quantify results whenever possible.

Examples of changing job responsibilities into accomplishment statements:

Note: bold, italics and underline are for illustrative purposes; do not use these formatting elements in your resume.

Watched children at elementary school

Supervised children between the ages of 4 -11 years old during recess, lunch, and afterschool program, building strong rapport with children, teachers, and parents

Responsible for cleaning bathroom, tables, and chairs

Maintained clean facilities for customer use by cleaning restrooms and sanitizing tables, leading to positive customer service experience.

Tasked with helping the team make phone calls

Called 25+ constituents per week for 50 weeks regarding local propositions and registration to vote, contributing to 15% increase in Sacramento area voter registration

Responsible for presenting findings at the end of the quarter

Presented findings on destruction of bee habitats in the Central Valley to an audience of 50+ undergraduate, graduate, and faculty attendees

Brainstorming questions to get you thinking about your accomplishments:

  • What problems did you solve?
  • Did you save the company money?
  • How did you stand out among coworkers?
  • Did you ever consistently exceed goals?
  • How did your individual efforts contribute to larger company/organization goals?
  • What did you do above and beyond the normal job duties?
  • Did your company recognize you or your team through awards?

Connect with the Career Center for further support in developing the content of your resume.