
References can serve as a final confirmation of your skills and abilities and verification of positive on-the-job performance. References are generally requested and checked after a successful interview and just before offering you a position. A potential employer may request a list of 3-5 people you have worked with as references, known as your “reference list.” 

Check out our Compiling a Strong Reference List video and review the below steps to help you get started on selecting and preparing your references list.

Who Should Serve as a Reference?

  • References can be selected from a part-time or full-time job, internship, volunteer or paid work experience. They should be individuals who know your performance, skills and abilities on the job.
  • References might include current or former supervisors, faculty mentors, campus staff or advisers, coaches or anyone in a professional position. References should NOT be family, friends or peers.
  • Choose people who have known you for a minimum of three months, though the longer they have known and worked with you the better.

Preparing Your References

  • Always ask permission from your references BEFORE you use their names. Ask if they are willing to provide a strong, supportive recommendation and available during your critical search time.
  • Make sure you have current contact information (i.e., name, position, organization, email and phone number).
  • Prepare them in advance by sharing your current resume or CV, cover letter and the position description.

When Submitting References

  • Bring at least one copy of your reference list to your interview. Some employers may ask for it before the interview.
  • If an employer does not ask by the end of the interview, you should ask them if they would like reference information.
  • Maintain consistency by formatting your reference list to have the same font and paper choices similar to those used for your resume and cover letter.

When a Letter of Recommendation is Requested

  • Some applications may require a letter of recommendation (i.e., fellowships, scholarships, jobs and/or internship programs like the Washington Program and UC Center Sacramento).
  • Follow the aforementioned process to identify potential people who can write you a letter of recommendation.
  • Formally ask your references via phone, email or in-person meeting with ample time to allow them to write a letter.

Additional Considerations

  • Aside from speaking about your performance, skills and abilities, references may also be asked about your interpersonal skills, leadership qualities, communication style, conflict resolution capacity, decision-making and whether you have a clear understanding of your field of study or a specific type of work.
  • Any inconsistencies between what you say about yourself in an interview and a reference's responses could eliminate you from consideration for a position.
  • Be sure to thank your references after the selection process is complete; it is always best to maintain a strong, ongoing and professional relationship.

Preparing a Reference List

Format for References

[Relationship to you]
[Current title]
[Current employer]
[Phone number]
[Email address]

Sample Reference

Aggie Gunrock
Current Supervisor
UC Davis Stores
(530) 752-1011 


View Sample Reference List